Configuring WolvenKit for modding
Last updated
Configuring WolvenKit for modding
Last updated
When launching WolvenKit for the first time you will be greeted with a welcome form asking to set your preferences. We recommend setting the path to your game files immediately. If you should close this form, you can access the same Settings at any time through the Home page.
The Game Executable Path (.exe) is the file path or location of the Cyberpunk2077.exe file. This can be set by manually entering a file path, or using the folder icon to browse system files for the preferred Cyberpunk installation. As a reminder, if Cyberpunk is installed within Program Files we recommend running WolvenKit as administrator.
Can't find Cyberpunk2077.exe? Try the default locations listed below: STEAM C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64
C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64
The Depot Path is a WolvenKit system folder for creating a cache of textures and other Cyberpunk assets. The Depot Path is set by default to .../AppData/Roaming/REDModding/WolvenKit/MaterialDepot
, however any custom folder can be substituted. A Depot with materials can be in excess of 30 gigabytes, so we recommend a destination with ample free disk space.
Be sure to set the Game Executable Path! Functionality is extremely diminished if WolvenKit cannot properly locate your game installation.
Creating a new mod project is necessary to begin using most WolvenKit features. A new project can be created from the Home page or the Toolbar. If you're new to WolvenKit, we strongly recommend reading the next wiki section, Creating a Mod.