▫️MLSETUP Builder


MlsetupBuilder is a Cyberpunk 2077 modding tool used to edit and build .json versions of .mlsetup files, allowing easy access to data used to edit different, and special styles for the game models, with 3d viewport to display where the materials are to applied to each part of the model.


MLSB can be downloaded from the releases section on GitHub, the latest release this documentation refers to is the version 1.6.5


To use the utmost capabilities of MLSB, all the meshes from the game have to be exported in .glb format and the masks layers exported in .dds format, exporting them all would be around 20 GBs or so.The process of doing so are done by uncooking the main archives. To do so, you need to setup a folder in the software preferences, choose the Wolvenkit-CLI executable, at least version 1.5.2 and from the build menu use the commands Build the repository, then do the same with the microblends, normals and decals. There is also a dedicated thread on the Cyberpunk 2077 Modding Discord Server with the latest software updates.

Video Guides

Credits to EzioMavericks for the video​

A playlist by the original author

Last updated