
Mod Structure

When creating a REDmod, there is a certain structure that you will want your mod to be in when sharing it with others so that it can be easily used by others. You will want to have a folder that is the name of the mod and in this folder you will have a file named info.json along with some other folder(s) which contain the animations, tweeks, sounds, or archives as you see fit. The structure will look somewhat like below

 * root_folder
 * | -📁 mods
 * | |-📁 <Mod Name>
 * | | |-📁 archives
 * | | |-📁 scripts
 * | | |-📁 tweaks
 * | | |-📁 customSounds
 * | | |-📄 info.json


Whether you are doing Animation Modding, Script Modding, TweakDB Modding, Audio Modding, or other mods (archive mods), you will need at least one subfolder for the mod files to go into. This subfolder should be located on the same level as the info.json file, and be nested directly inside the folder with the mod name.


For a REDmod to be recognized as such by the game engine, the primary requirements incluse this info.json file. This file sits in the root folder of the mod's folder. There are two required entries and a few optional entries that can be in this json file. At minimum a name field and a version field are needed:{"name": "MODNAME","description": "Description for the mod.","version": "1.0.0","customSounds": [ ]}In the above:

  • The name field is the mod's name and will generally be the same as the folder the info.json file sits in.

  • The version field is the mod's version. The version should generally use "Semantic Versioning"

  • The description field is optional for all mods, but it is generally suggested one should include it so other tools have something to display for a given mod.

  • The customSounds field is semi-optional. It is required for Audio Modding.

INFO - Semantic Versioning is a method of versioning where each number gives meaning for a release based on their position. It uses the format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH where a MAJOR release change is one which will break workflows, MINOR could break a workflow but is generally safe and might introduce deprecations, and a PATCH is a small non breaking change that all users on the same MAJOR and MINOR can update to without any issues.

Animation Modding

Animation Modding - WolvenKit Integration

The REDmod animation import tool can be used as a Plugin in WolvenKit.

  • Add the .re animation file you wish to import to your /Raw folder in your mod project

  • Add the .anims animation set file from the game with the Asset Browser

  • Click View > Import/Export tool

  • In the Import/Export tool, navigate to Import: a list of all .re animation file in your /Raw folder will appear

  • Double click the entry to change the import options:

    • Select the .anims animation set file to import from the dropdown

    • Select the animation name you wish to override from the dropdown

  • Click process

INFO - It is best to name .re animation correctly even if you replace an existing animation, because the imported animation will always have the filename of the .re file.

INFO - You need to have the .rig file used by the .anims animationset present in your WolvenKit project.

Animation Modding - Manually

See also: Import Command

The import command imports an .re animation file into an existing .anims animation set file.Optional parameters include specifying an existing animation name to rename inside the animset file (otherwise the filename of the .re animation file is used) or specifying a different output path (default is overwrite).

INFO - It is best to name .re animation correctly even if you replace an existing animation, because the imported animation will always have the filename of the .re file.

INFO - You need to have the .rig file used by the .anims animationset present in your depot path.

Script Modding

To make a script mod in REDmod:

  1. 1.make a new mod and create a new folder here: <Cyberpunk 2077>/mods/MODNAME/scripts

  2. 2.copy the .script file(s) you want to change from <Cyberpunk 2077>/tools/redmod/scriptspreserving the folder structure!

  3. 3.add an info.json file to <Cyberpunk 2077>/mods/MODNAME/scripts with some mod info

{"name": "MODNAME","description": "Description for the script mod.","version": "1.0.0","customSounds": [ ]}​✅Done. To test, launch the game with REDmod.

TweakDB Modding

To make a tweak mod in REDmod:

  1. 1.make a new mod and create a new folder here: <Cyberpunk 2077>/mods/MODNAME/tweaks

  2. 2.copy the .tweak file(s) you want to change from <Cyberpunk 2077>/tools/redmod/tweakspreserving the folder structure!

  3. 3.add a info.json file to <Cyberpunk 2077>/mods/MODNAME/tweaks with some mod info

{"name": "MODNAME","description": "Description for the tweak mod.","version": "1.0.0","customSounds": [ ]}​✅Done. To test, launch the game with REDmod.

Audio Modding

Audio Modding - WolvenKit Integration

The REDmod animation import tool can be used as a Plugin in WolvenKit.

  • Add the .wav sound files you wish to import to your /customSounds folder in your mod project

  • Click View > Sound Modding tool

  • In the Sound Modding tool, choose which to mod from the list of game sound events

  • Adjust the parameters

  • Click Save

Audio Modding - Manually

Place raw .wav audio files inside <Cyberpunk 2077>/mods/<name>/customSounds. Include a info.json file with your mod (<Cyberpunk 2077>/mods/<name>/customSounds/info.json) where you sepcify how to use your custom sounds.


{"name": "newmodtest","version": "1.0.0","customSounds": [{"name": "amb_bl_eq_medical_electronics_small","type": "mod_skip"},{"name": "w_gun_revol_power_overture_fire_suppressor","type": "mod_skip"},{"name": "w_gun_npc_dian_reload","type": "mod_sfx_2d","file": "are_you_sure_about_that.wav","gain": 1.0,"pitch": 0.1}]}


  • name - the game audio event to override

  • type - the sound type. Options are:

    • mod_skip: do not play this sound event

    • mod_sfx_2d : will be played without any positions / attenuation

    • mod_sfx_city : has a longer attenuation that is suitable for city sounds

    • mod_sfx_low_occlusion : has a long attenuation that isn't occluded much e.g. a VO or quest sound that you don't want to be muffled

    • mod_sfx_occlusion : medium attenuation with normal occlusion

    • mod_sfx_radio : needs to be tuned to a broadcast channel (e.g. radio)

    • mod_sfx_room : has a shorter attenuation suitable for something that can be heard across a room

    • mod_sfx_street : has a medium attenuation, good for something to be heard down a street

  • file - the .wav file to use (inside /customSounds)

  • gain and pitch

Last updated