String formatting

String interpolation

REDscript supports string interpolation through a special string literal syntax with the 's' prefix. You can use it to format strings with arbitrary expressions.

Log(s"My name is \(name) and I am \(year - birthYear) years old");

The code above gets desugared into:

Log("My name is " + name + " and I am " + ToString(year - birthYear) + " years old");

In the generated code, all types except String get converted to String via ToString.

String addition overloads

The game scripts come with a set of operator overloads that allow you to append values of a number of types to strings, which can be used for basic string formatting.

// string addition is defined Int32, Float and several other typesLog("My name is " + name + " and I am " + (year - birthYear) + " years old");​

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