Mesh editing


Created by @manavortex Published November 05 2022This page is about changing any given mesh. If you want to replace one with another, check this guide.Versions: WolvenKit: 8.7.1-nightly.2022-11-06 (anything > 8.7.0 will do) Blender: 3.3 stable Noesis: 4.459

Exporting the mesh into Blender

WolvenKit (*.gdb)

Use the Import/Export tool to export your mesh. Assuming the following path:<yourModDir>\archive\source\base\characters\garment\player_equipment\torso\t2_002_vest__puffy\t2_002_pwa_vest__puffy.mesh

This will create <yourModDir>\archive\raw\base\characters\garment\player_equipment\torso\t2_002_vest__puffy\t2_002_pwa_vest__puffy.gdbTo export a mesh with materials for import with the Cyberpunk Blender Plugin, double-click on it and then select "WithMaterials" as "MeshExportType":

Noesis (*.fbx)


Blender: Saving the mesh

for WolvenKit (*.gdb)

Export settings: "Tangents" must be checkedI recommend disabling materials, especially if you've wildly messed around with the shaders while you've been editing.

Noesis (*.fbx)

Simply export as fbx, Blender's standard settings are alright for Noesis.

Importing to *.mesh

WolvenKit (*.gdb)

You should have overwritten your previous gdb export. With WKit's Import/Export tool, you can now use the import tab and get it back in.WolvenKit will map any *.gdb file under raw to the mesh with the same name under source.Example:<yourModDir>\archive\raw\base\characters\garment\player_equipment\torso\t2_002_vest__puffy\t2_002_pwa_vest__puffy.gdbwill be imported over<yourModDir>\archive\source\base\characters\garment\player_equipment\torso\t2_002_vest__puffy\t2_002_pwa_vest__puffy.meshWolvenKit refuses to import if the target mesh doesn't support all bones in the gdb.

Noesis (*.fbx)


Last updated