Before installing, make sure you're running the game in Windowed Borderless. The console will not work properly in fullscreen mode and can cause the game to freeze or not function.
1.Download the latest file. (Do not download the source code)
2.Unzip to anywhere on your desktop. After unzipping the file, you will see a bin folder.
3.Drag the bin folder to your Cyberpunk install directory. Example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077
4.If installed properly, the Cyber Engine Tweaks files (plugins folder, LICENSE, global.ini, version.dll) will be in the x64 folder of your install directory.
5.Ensure all apps that add overlays to the game (Rivatuner, Fraps, Afterburner, Discord, Steam, Gog, Windows 10 Game Bar, Geforce Experience, et cetera) are disabled as the console may not open with overlays active.
6.Launch the game!
7.When you first start the game, a window will appear prompting you to choose a keybind to bring up the overlay. Pick any key and save it. Now it will open with that key from now on.
8.(Optional) To check that everything works you can look at the logs in
<cyberpunk install path>/bin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/cyber_engine_tweaks.log
When installing through nexus, make sure to use hardlink deployment.
🗃️ Configuration
TweakDB Editor
In the TweakDB Editor entries such as weapons, effects, consumables, etc. use a hash: <TDBID:EAB61494:1D>.
This can be cumbersome to read and remember. Loading the dictionary will allow for displaying more human-friendly definitions such as gamedataStatusEffect_Record
of type BaseStatusEffect.BreathingLow
1.Download from Discord and usedhashes.kark from GitHub
2.Unzip anywhere on your desktop
3.Move both files to the CET folder within the game installation e.g.
Cyberpunk 2077/bin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks
4.Launch the game!
5.Open Cyber Engine Tweaks overlay (using the key you bound before, see Installation above)
6.Navigate to TweakDB Editor then to the Advanced tab, and follow the instructions.
📺Video Guide
If you run into problems with installation, please check the troubleshooting page before asking in Discord:
❔How do I _____?
For a list of console commands for beginners, check out the "How do I ____?" page:
⚙ Configuration
If the installation was successful and you can see the log files, the next step is to configure the mod:
🐧Linux (Proton) Instructions
Alternative installation instructions for Linux (Proton) can be found here:
📘Learn More
For a more comprehensive list of commands and global functions, check the following pages:
Last updated