Frequently Asked Questions
Due to the chaotic nature of people asking questions, the questions in this section are not listed in any particular order. We will do our best to cater what goes here, but be prepared to read or use your browser's search tool.
Some questions may have alternative answers, so the questions list has the questions numbered and the possible answered listed below it.
Question: WolvenKit is broken, why isn't it....
You can stop right there. WolvenKit is a mod developing tool, and should not be used as a mod manager. Please refer to the Mod Managers section of this wiki for a list of mod managing tools.
Question: I'm want to use two different mods that do mostly the same thing, but differently. How can I get them both to work?
This is called a mod conflict and Vertex will automatically try to resolve the conflict.
You will want a mod manager that allows you to manually set the mod load order. First try it one way and see if you get the desired effect, but then switch their load order and try again. If neither work, then choose one and contact the mod developer about what you're trying to do. They may have a recommendation or a possible alternative package.
An alternative solution is to try a mod manager like Mod Organizer 2. Please look at the Mod Managers section and look for one that allows you to manually set your mod load order You will want to want some tutorial videos on YouTube about it through. It is an advanced tool that takes practice and getting used to.
Question: How many mods can I have installed at once?
All the mods in the known universe, but there will probably be some conflicts between them that causes your computer to crash.
Please refer to the Problems section and look for one about the game crashing after installing mods.
Last updated